Driessen, J. J. M. (2019, July). Design of high-performance legged robots – A case study on a hopping and balancing robot (Doctoral dissertation, Università degli studi di Genova). [PDF] [UNIGE repository]*

Driessen, J. J. M., Gkikakis, A. E., Featherstone, R., & Singh, B. R. P. (2019, May). Experimental demonstration of high-performance robotic balancing. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Montreal, Canada.

Driessen, J. J. M., Featherstone R., & Gkikakis, A. E. (2018, October). An actuator design criterion to maximize physical balance recovery. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Madrid, Spain.

Driessen, J. J. M. & Featherstone, R. (2017). Design of a 4m hopping robot using off-the-shelf components. [PDF]

Driessen, J. J. M. (2015, October). Machine and behaviour co-design of a powerful minimally actuated hopping robot (MSc thesis, Delft University of Technology). [PDF] [TU Delft repository]

Driessen, J. J. M., & Görner, M. (2014). The effects of serial elastic actuation and upper body configuration on power consumption of a simplified planar humanoid. In Dynamic Walking. [PDF]

Bharatheesha, M., Rudinac, M., Chandarr, A., Gaisser, F., Pons, S., Küpers, B., Driessen, J. J. M., Bruinink, M., Wisse, M., & Jonker, P. (2012). Delft Robotics RoboCup@Home 2012 team description paper. In Proceedings of RoboCup.


* The thesis uploaded at the UNIGE repository is the original and official version. The download available on this website is a compressed (<5MB) version of the otherwise identical thesis, where pixelized images are shrunk down. Another—non-official and newer—version of the document is also available for download on this website (content, cover), which was made in response to a request for additional thesis prints. In this version, I took the opportunity to include the dissertation committee, extend the acknowledgements and make several textual corrections, as detailed here.